Currently Organia invests with priority in the development of technologies
and innovative products for multichannel surround production,
personalized digital music, sound immersion and interactivity
with the sound content, both on the side of production (eg tools for
producers and producers of sound content) and to final consumers
(eg interactive digital music players).
Read more about our projects below:
The current market for digital music is based heavily on consumption
of fixed media, previously mastered and finalized, as the CD and MP3.
Techonologies oriented to sound objects and scenes make this paradigm obsolete,
enabling the segmentation of programme in basic components, therefore the
individual access to each instrument or a sound track, leading to a
reformulation of the concept of production and consumption of phonograms.
Thinking in this context, Organia introduces the project OrganiaSound.
It addresses a strategic survey on the phonographic market, on the universe
of content producers and on the habits and desires of consumers, in search of
an alignment of technologies to the proposition of a new paradigm for
reconfigurable digital music.
In the current phase we are researching new business models to this market
and developing three technological components for a show-case demonstration
of the technology: a new format for reconfigurable digital music, an
encoder (authoring software) to generate phonograms in this format,
and a decoder (player) for playback of music content customizable.
In the second phase of the project we will work with partners to spread this
technology. We want to provide for studios and producers the components for
the generation of music in this new format, provide software components for
portable players, and to work out with partners new opportunities for legal,
protected or un-protected distribution of phonograms in the new format.
We anticipate that the system will bring benefits to the chain of production,
distribution and consumption of music, creating new opportunities for
personalized services, for customization of content and for musical entertainment
in the XXI century.
This project has the backup of the Laboratory
of Integrable Systems of the University
of Sao Paulo and financial support from FAPESP
(Foundation for the Support of Research of the State of São Paulo) through the
process 2007/01634-2.
For more information on OrganiaSound, please contact us.
The increase in audiovisual quality provided by the introduction of digital
TV produces operational impacts and new needs in the production and distribution
of audiovisual content. It is expected that the demand for sound production and
the TV audience will grow substantially considering that digital TV will also be
received in mobiles (3G phones, handsets and vehicles) through 1-SEG reception.
In the case of audio, the coexistence of different formats in the professional
segment, the simultaneous transmission of different programmes on the air,
and the possibility of transmitting several multichannel modes, such as 5.1
Surround, unfolds in new demands from broadcasters and producers, and it requires
solutions capable of meeting the needs of multichannel production, coding and
delivery of programs, and at the same time which accommodates to the installed
base of equipment and operational processes (legacy).
This project is focused on developing an interactive software for producing and
encoding multiple multichannel audio programs for digital TV, with unique features,
not existing on the market. The main contributions are in the use of
spatial audio processing architecture, and in the use of a production process
oriented to the sound scene, in contrast to the conventional process of artistic
mixing, which is channel-oriented. These innovations are based on new paradigms
for audio processing, particularly for spatial and multicontent audio, benefiting
aspects of interaction and immersion (surround). Furthermore, the user can
perform the generation of multiple programs in formats adopted
by ISDB-Tb digital
television standard, by DVB, and
in other formats such as Dolby.
A sound program generated by this system may be distributed in intermediate audio
formats (not finished), in specific multichannel output (eg 5.1) and already
encoded in formats for storage and distribution, as in the standard ISO/IEC
MPEG-4 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), producing a sound media compatible with
the ISDB-Tb standard.
This variety of options creates new opportunities for distribution, storage and
transmission of multichannel content not previously available to producers and
broadcasters, allowing for example to distribute a unmixed material to be mixed
and finalized later, and to do so using or not using compression,
besides the opportunity to use AAC on equipment compatible with Dolby,
and also exportable to digital TV modulators. Monitoring audio programs can be done
in the studio using a layer for decoding and playback.
This project is being developed with the partnership of the studio and
producer YB,
from Sao Paulo, and backup of the Audio Engineering and Coding center (NEAC)
of the Laboratory of Integrable Systems
of the University of Sao Paulo.
The project has a funding support from CNPq
(National Research Council) through the process RHAE no. 573424/2008-0.
For more information on FreeSurround, please contact us.