Our partnership network includes reference companies in the area of audio coding, research and development institutions, studios and audio producers, manufacturers and distributors of audiovisual equipment, consultants and experts in acoustics, architecture, event logistics, civil engineering, eletrotechnics, electronic engineering, set design, virtual reality, industrial design, computer graphics and music, programming, web, phonographic market, marketing and international relations.
YB – studio, audivisual producing and finishing facility
T-Com – audio and intercommunication technologies
Lando – high fidelity loudspeakers
LSI - Laboratory of Integrable Systems, University of Sao Paulo
LSI-TEC (Laboratory of Integrable Systems Technological)
Cidade do Conhecimento (Knowledge City), University of Sao Paulo)
Totum – oriented marketing, design/creation and graphical production
Criaweb – webdesign, creation and internet hosting


We count with the support from agencies financing research and technological innovation, such as FAPESP (The State of Sao Paulo Research Agency) and CNPq (The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).

FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


The activities of Organia are associated with academic projects of research and technological development oriented to the audiovisual industry. The project AUDIENCE in the Polytechnical School of the University of Sao Paulo is one of the theoretical pillars of the architecture of some systems and services in development by Organia

Here are links to this and other projects, works and relevant groups in the area.

AUDIENCE – Audio Immersion Experience by Computer Emulation.
R&D project in 3D audio and immersive auralization, initiated in 2003 and finalized in 2007. It was led by Prof. Regis Rossi A. Faria, researcher at LSI POLI USP. This project gave born to a sound architecture for virtual reality environments such as the CAVEs unprecedented in the world.

OpenAUDIENCE - Audio Immersion Software. Project hosted in the projects incubator of the FAPESP agency, dedicated to developing an open version of the AUDIENCE software. The project is open to world-wide colaborators and groups that want to participate. The project is ongoing, and has among its partners Koolu, a Canadian company, and Jon "Maddog" Hall

AcMuS - Group of research and development of software for calculation, analysis and simulation of room acoustics for music practice. The project is coordinated by Profs. Fernando Iazzetta (ECA/USP) and Fabio Kon (IME/USP).

Interest in partnership?

Interesse em divulging your projects/groups? contato@organia.com.br