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Regis Rossi Alves Faria
Engenheiro eletrônico, doutor e mestre em Engenharia
Elétrica (Sistemas Eletrônicos). Pesquisador associado e
coordenador de projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento no
LSI (Laboratório
Sistemas Integráveis) da POLI – USP. Professor
Músico instrumentista. Coordenador e fundador da Organia
Engenharia Musical.
Vitae Illustrated
Main Professional
Research and development on
audiovisual systems
Areas of Interest: Sound/Music Technology, Signal Processing, Audio
Engineering, Sonic computing, Multimedia Coding (e.g. MPEG),
Interactive Multimedia Systems, Information Systems, Digital Media.
PhD. EE. Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (Brazil,
MS. EE. Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (Brazil,
BS. EE. (emphasis on Electronics) Minas Gerais Federal University (Brazil,
Summary of Qualifications
PhD and MSc in Electronic Engineering a the Polytechnic School of
the University of São Paulo. Doctorate research focus on advanced
spatial audio system architectures/techniques for sound immersion.
Master research focus on wavelet multiresolution analysis of musical
Associate Researcher and R&D leader at the Laboratory of Integrable
Systems (Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis - LSI), University of
São Paulo, Brazil. Responsible for scientific advising and
investigation, research and development projects on audio
technologies, audiovisual coding, interactive and reconfigurable
multimedia platforms, digital TV, MPEG, and sound/music production.
Responsible in 2005 for conducting the studies and developments in
audio systems for the Brazilian Digital TV System (SBTVD) R&D
Project, such as the MPEG-AAC codec and the audio architecture.
Member of the SBTVD Technical Forum since 2006, and active
contributor on the ISDB-Tb standardization process.
Experience in system architecture design, conception and
coordination of R&D projects, development of multimedia services/systems
(hardware/software), technology integration, and scientific events
organization (3 times general chair of AES Brazil conference: 2006,
2007 and 2008).
Specialist in music/audio technologies, spatial audio, digital audio
processing, audio coding (MPEG), wavelet theory and music analysis/synthesis.
Advanced knowledge on project management, multimedia signal
processing, musical acoustics, reconfigurable multimedia system
design (VHDL), digital TV systems, virtual reality (CAVE’s) and
telecom/network basics (TCP/IP, SDH).
Musician (flutes), lecturer and speaker on musical technology.
Experience with audio/music processing software and audio equipment.
Musical skills in audio quality assessment, melody memory and
expressivity modeling. Excellent writing, communication and
organizational skills.
Experience with platforms PCs, SUN, SGI; OS UNIX, Linux, Windows
95/98, NT, 2000, XP, DOS. Programming in PD, MATLAB, C, Fortran,
Pascal, HTML. Intermediate skills on C++ and JAVA.
Double citizenship: Brazilian and Italian. Fluent in Portuguese and
English. English Proficiency by the ELS Language Center (Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1993). Italian:
conversation, reading and writing. Spanish: conversation and reading.
Member of the Audio Engineering Society (AES). Vice-president of the
AES Brazil section. Member of the AES Technical Committees on
Multichannel and Binaural Audio Technologies and Audio Coding.
Founding member and Coordinator of the Computer Music Interest Group
of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and university professor.
Professional Trajectory
1993 - present
Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis (LSI), Polytechnic School of the
University of São Paulo
Associate researcher / Audio Engineering and Coding Center
Associate researcher in audiovisual technologies since 1993. Eleven
years of experience in applied research and development projects and
consultancy in multimedia engineering, sound technologies,
audiovisual coding, interactive services and digital/analog
multimedia platforms. Founder (1997) and manager for 8 years of the
Media Engineering Center. Worked with wavelets in music analysis,
telemedicine, virtual reality, spatial audio and sound coding.
Founder (2005) and coordinator of the Audio Engineering and Coding
Group, addressing innovative research in spatial audio, sound coding
and music technologies. Advisor on graduation & under-graduation
2008 - present
Organia Musical Engineering Audiovisual Technologies, São Paulo (Brazil)
Main partner / Research and Development Director
Founder (2008) and chief scientist of Organia, an engineering,
consultancy, research and development company oriented to innovative
sound technologies and services. Currently coordinating a research
project targeting the development of reconfigurable digital music
formats and tools, supported by FAPESP Brazilian agency.
2000 - present
Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis Tecnológico (LSI-TEC), São Paulo
Associate Member / R&D Project Manager and Scientist
Worked on set-top boxes platform design with hardware description
languages and systems development. Responsible for research and
developments on the audio codec and reproduction modules of the
reference receptor for the SBTVD (Brazilian DTV System) R&D Project
in 2005. Associate member of the LSI-TEC since 2006.
2006 – 2008
FASP – Associated Faculties of São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)
1998 – 1999
Faculty Radial São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)
Full Professor
- Logic and Computer Programming (LPC)
- Programming Languages and Tecnhiques (LTC)
1991 - 1992
Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas SA (MBR), Belo Horizonte/Rio de
Janeiro (Brazil)
Trainee Engineer
Participated on an extensive training program over the whole company,
from mineral prospecting to mining and export business. Worked at
industrial ore processing plants, open mine, at the maritime export
terminal facilities, environmental and geology research areas, and
with Total Quality Control. Company later acquired by Vale (www.vale.com).
Main Projects and Developments
• Development of a new format for reconfigurable digital music
Coordinator of the research project, leaded by Organia and backed by
the LSI-TEC/LSI. The project considers an information survey on the
phonographic market, with the content producers and an alignment of
technologies for the proposal of a new paradigm for reconfigurable
digital music. It addresses the experimental development of three
technological components for a show-case: a new format for
reconfigurable digital music, an encoder (authorship software), and
a decoder (player) for personalized reproduction of musical content.
Project supported by FAPESP Brazilian Agency process no. 07/01634-2.
• ISDB-Tb Standardization (2006-present)
Contributor in the Brazilian DTV System (SBTVD or ISDB-Tb)
standardization process. Active collaborator and one of the chairs
of the audio coding part (ABNT NBR 15602-2) and the Coding
Operational Guide. Participant of the SBTVD Forum.
OpenAUDIENCE – Immersive Audio Software (2006-present)
Project coordinator, responsible for software system design,
teams and collaborative work integration and project management.
The main objective is the development of two software packages
for sound immersion, production of sound scenes, and 3D
interactive auralization of spatial sound scenes, using
multichannel support.
The project is developed collaboratively and hosted at
http://openaudience.incubadora.fapesp.br. |
Project – Audio Immersion Experience by Computer Emulation
Responsible for the specification, design and implantation of a
2D/3D audio system for a CAVE at the Polytechnic School of the
University of São Paulo. Principal author and scientist.

AUDIENCE is a flexible and scalable hardware/software system for
2D/3D audio production, coding/decoding and auralization (sound
immersion). The project delivered a complete hw/sw solution and
many published papers. |
(Advanced Audio Coding) Studies and Developments for SBTVD
Responsible for coordinating a team addressing the research,
design, developments, and tests of a multichannel audio coder/decoder
architecture for the Brazilian DTV System (SBTVD) based on the
MPEG-4 AAC codec. Project in the scope of the SBTVD R&D Project,
part of Audio Coding and Decoding. Partially concluded. |
• Audio
Processing Module for the SBTVD Reference Access Terminal (2005)
Responsible for coordinating a
team addressing the research of audio unit architectures and
processors for DTV set-top boxes, including the design,
implementations and tests of audio decoding, synthesis, spatial
processing and reproduction functions in user terminals, in the
scope of the Brazilian DTV System (SBTVD) R&D Project, part of
Access Terminals. |
• Sound System
Design for Theater and Auditory
Rooms (2004-2005)
Responsible for the general sound
design and specifications of audio
equipment for stage, control room
and auditory spaces. |
• Access
Platforms for Digital/Analog TV (2002-2004)
Industry oriented Project.
Responsible for project conception and coordination. Action in
high-level system design, technical specifications; design of
service-oriented prototypes, timeline, activities specification
and management, leading a team of 11 professionals. |
• Stereoscopic
Visualization for High Performance
Cluster Computer (2002-2003)
Responsible for the specification
and coordination of a stereoscopic
visualization tool for a high performance
cluster computer systems oriented
to applications in the oil industry. |
• MPEG Consultancy
Action for industry and feasibility studies for MPEG
decoding platforms design. Invited speaker at several
seminars and technical events in Europe, Brazil and USA.

Reconfigurable Multimedia Digital Set-Top Box Family Project
Research and
Project coordination – action in the high-level system features
design, technical and service specification; responsible for
project conduction, design of service-oriented prototypes,
timeline and activities specification and management. |
• Telemedicine
Project (1999)
Responsible for the network infrastructure
and radio equipment startup, access terminals
installation and starting of videoconference
medical services in the Hospital of Porto
Velho, Rondonia State, in the Brazilian
Amazonia, connected to the Hospital das
Clínicas in São Paulo. This
service settled the basis for the oncopediatria.org.br
project. |
• MoD Project
– Media on Demand –
Interactive Multimedia Services/Applications
Musiface AoD Service (Audio on Demand
Server/Player) (1998)
Responsible for service specification,
technical features and services,
visual design, user interface conception
and management of the development
project. |
• Polimidia
(Media on Demand Application/Server)
Responsible for service specification,
technical features and services,
visual design, user interface, and
management of the development project.
http://www.lsi.usp.br/polimidia. |
• High Speed
Research Link, Teleconference Laboratory
and Digital Media Studio (1998).
Action in engineering design, implantation
of network SDH infrastructure, specification
of equipment, prototyping of interactive
digital services (such as videoconference
and collaborative work), and implantation
of a distributed digital media studio
for collaborative production between
computer graphics and music facility
at the University of São
Paulo and the DSN Cable TV infrastructure
laboratory, at NEC headquarters
in São Paulo.
Digital SDH 310Mbps Link between
University of São Paulo and NEC
Brazil DSN Laboratory. |
- Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis
Software for Audio/Music (1D signals)
Analysis (1997)
Developed a wavelet-based signal
analyzer and a user interface under
MATLAB platform for the analysis
of audio signals (oriented to the
analysis of musical gestures) using
a Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis
framework. The interface is capable
of loading sounds, processing different
analysis, editing wavelet coefficients,
and performing selectivereconstruction
of audio/musical signals. |
Publications and Monographs
MANNIS, J. A. , FARIA, R. R. A. (org). 6th
AES Brazil Conference/12th AES Brazil
National Convention Proceedings.
AES Brazil, São Paulo, 2008. ISBN 978-85-99997-03-1.THOMAZ, L. F. ; FARIA, R. R. A. A real time and
interactive music spatialization system.
In: 11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, 2007,
São Paulo. Proceedings.
São Paulo, 2007. p. 121-132.
Document m14753. New reference architecture for
broad-scope spatial audio object coding and spatial
sound frameworks.
Lausanne, Switzerland, jul. 2007. /MPEG, 81st MPEG &
42nd JPEG Meeting/
Brazilian Digital Television System Access Device
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society – JBCS, v. 13,
n. 1, Mar. 2007, p. 95-113, 2007.
ISSN 0104-6500.
FARIA, R. R. A. (org). 5th AES Brazil Conference/11th
AES Brazil National Convention.
CD-ROM Proceedings. AES Brazil, São Paulo, 2007. ISBN
VITAL, R. S. ; FARIA, R. R. A. Desenvolvimento
experimental de amplificadores multicanal para auralização. In: AES Brasil, 2007, São Paulo. Anais do
5o. Congresso de Engenharia de Áudio / 11a. Convenção
Nacional da AES Brasil. Rio de Janeiro : AES Brasil,
2007. v. 1. p. 89-96.
A. ; THOMAZ, L. F. An experience using X3D for virtual
cultural heritage.
In: Web3D 2007, 2007, Perugia. Twelfth international
conference on 3D web technology.
Proceedings. New York : ACM Press, 2007. p. 161-164.
FARIA, R. R. A. et al. “Objective evaluation of audio
compression standards and tools for digital TV
applications”. In: 56th Annual IEEE Broadcast Symposium.
Washington, 2006.
A.Y. Hira, A. Nebel de Mello, R. R. A. FARIA, V. Odone
Filho, R. D. Lopes, M. K. Zuffo.
“Development of a telemedicine model for emerging
countries: A case study on pediatric oncology in
Brazil”. In: IEEE EMBS 2006 (International Conference of
the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society).
New York, 2006.THOMAZ, L. F.; FARIA, R. R. A.; ZUFFO, M. K.; ZUFFO, J.
A. “Orchestra spatialization using the AUDIENCE engine.
Accepted for: ICMC 2006 (International Computer Music
Conference). New Orleans, 2006.FARIA, R. R. A.; ZUFFO, J. A. “An auralization engine
adapting a 3D image source acoustic model to an
Ambisonics coder for immersive virtual reality”. In: AES
28th International Conference (The Future of Audio
Technology – Surround and Beyond), 2006, Pitea, Sweden.
Proceedings. 2006. p. 157-166.
FARIA, R. R. A. and ZUFFO, M. K. (ed). 4th AES Brazil
Conference/10th AES Brazil National Convention.
CD-ROM Proceedings. AES Brazil, São Paulo, 2006. ISBN
85-99997-01-7.THOMAZ, L. F.; FARIA, R. R. A.; ZUFFO, M. K.; ZUFFO, J.
A. “Experimentações de espacialização orquestral sobre a
arquitetura AUDIENCE”.
In: 4th AES Brazil Conference/10th AES Brazil National
Convention, São Paulo, 2006.
Proceedings. 2006. p.72-77.MITRE, A.; QUEIROZ, M.; FARIA, R. R. A. “Accurate and
efficient fundamental frequency determination from
precise partial estimates”. In: 4th AES Brazil
Conference/10th AES Brazil National Convention, São
Paulo, 2006.
Proceedings. 2006. p.113-118.
FARIA, R. R. A. et al. “Improving spatial perception
through sound field simulation in VR”.
In: VECIMS 2005 - IEEE Conference on Virtual
Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement
Systems, 2005, Giardini Naxos, Italy.
Proceedings. 2005. p.103-108.FARIA, R. R. A. et al. “AUDIENCE - Audio Immersion
Experiences in the CAVERNA Digital”.
In: SBCM 2005 - The 10th Brazilian Symposium on Computer
Music, 2005, Belo Horizonte. Proceedings of the 10th
Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music - Current
Frameworks for Music Information Representation, 2005.
p. 106-117.
A. “Simulação de Som 3D em um Ambiente de Realidade
Virtual Imersiva utilizando HRTF”. In: III Congresso
Brasileiro de Engenharia de Áudio da AES Brasil/IX
Convenção Nacional da AES-Brasil, São Paulo, 2005.
Proceedings. 2005. p. 44-48.
K.; FILHO, V. O. “Development of a pilot telemedicine
network for paediatric oncology in Brazil”.
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, v.11, supplement
2, 2005. p.16-18 (5th. International Conference on
Successes and Failures in Telehealth).FARIA, R. R. A. “Auralization in immersive audiovisual
environments”. PhD Thesis. Electronic Systems Dept.,
Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo.
São Paulo, 2005. Accessible at
http://www.lsi.usp.br/~regis/ (in Portuguese)FARIA, R. R. A.; Dal Poz, M.A.S.; Zuffo, M.K. “A Novel
Approach for Multimedia Rendering Platforms”. In: 1st.
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge
Discovery – FSKD’02, Singapore, 2002.
Proceedings. 2002, v.2, p.763-767.Dal Poz, M. A. S.; Leitão, R. B. V.; FARIA, R. R. A.;
Lopes, R. de Deus.; Zuffo, M. K. “Towards Fully
Reconfigurable Multimedia Platforms”.
In: 1st. Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics -
SIACG, Guimarães, Portugal, 2002.
Proceedings. 2002. p.155-162.FARIA, R. R. A. "Application of wavelets on the analysis
of musical gestures in timbres of traditional acoustic
instruments”. MSc. Dissertation, Polytechnic School,
University of São Paulo, 1997. (in Portuguese)
FARIA, R. R. A. et al. "Wavelets in music analysis and
synthesis: timbre analysis and perspectives".
In: SPIE Conference on Wavelet Applications in Signal
and Image Processing IV, Denver, 1996.
Proceedings SPIE, v.2825, pt.2, 1996. p.950-61.
FARIA, R. R. A.; Zuffo, J.A. "Wavelets as a
multiresolution analysis and synthesis technique for
sound timbres edition", Proceedings of the 2nd.
Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, XV Brazilian
Computer Society Conference, Canela, 1995.
Porto Alegre, 1995, p. 198-204.
Martins, C.A.P.S.; Ruschioni, R.A.; FARIA, R.R.A.; Zuffo,
J.A. "Reconstrutor Sinc Finito Amostrado Normalizado
Unidimensional", In: III Brazilian Computer Music
Symposium, XVI Brazilian Computer Society Conference,
Recife, 1996. Recife, 1996. p. 27-32.
FARIA, R. R. A. "Wavelets: teoria e aplicações".
Tutorial. Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
(1994).FARIA, R. R. A. "Inteligência artificial e música".
Monograph for the discipline Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence (PEE817).
Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo (1993).
AES Brazil 6th Conference / 12th National Convention.
“Sound scene orientation: interactive edition of the
surround space”. Panel “The Surround Convergence I”. São
Paulo, Brazil (May 2008).
Transitus Morumbi. Arquitetura, Artes Design e Moda.
Round Table Design Digital in iTVD. “Design digital para
TVDi: Conceitos e Perspectivas”. University Anhembi
Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil (08/11/2007).
SET 2007. Television Technology. Panel: Digital TV /
Digital Audio: Compression MPEG-4 AAC and ISDB-Tb –
Questions & Answers. “Transmitting audio in the
Brazilian Digital TV System”. São Paulo, Brazil
AES 122nd Convention. Workshop 5: Interactive Audio and
Human Perception. “Auralization practices in the CAVE”.
Vienna, Austria (May 2007).
AES Brazil 5th Conference / 11th National Convention.
“Immersive and personalizable audio: new trends to
interact with audio”. São Paulo, Brazil (21st May 2007).
XVII SEMAC – Computer Week of the University of São
Paulo State (UNESP) – SEMAC 2007. Panel: The future of
the computer professionals in the new information era.
“New trends in the Digital TV System”. São José do Rio
Preto, Brazil (May 2007).
SET 2006 – Panel: Production – Digital Audio. “Audio in
Digital TV: Special Topics on Coding, Quality, Formats,
Reproduction and Services”. São Paulo, Brazil (August
2006). (invited speaker).
II SMCT – Second Symposium on Music, Science and
Technology – Sound Virtual Reality. “Architecture for
Spatial Audio Production for Advanced Multimedia”.
Campinas, Brazil (October 2005).
SET 2005 – Panel: Production – Digital Audio.
“Multichannel Audio – Techniques, Coverage and
Perspectives in the Context of the Brazilian Digital TV
System”. São Paulo, Brazil (September 2005). (invited
SET 2003 – Tutorial: Codificação Multimídia – Padrões
Abertos. “Codificação Multimídia – Tecnologias e
Projetos”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (September 2003)
VVII Convenção Nacional AES Brasil. “Qualidade em CODECs
Perceptuais”. São Paulo, Brazil (May 2003)
SET 2002 – Convergência Digital; Forum SETBusiness.
“ISDB-T Tutorial”. São Paulo, Brazil (2002). (invited
IIR Conferences: Wide Bandwidth. “MPEG-[1,2,4,7,21]:
Foundations, Goals and Applications”. São Paulo, Brazil
(2001) (www.iir.com.br) (invited speaker).
Artspages Conference. “MPEG 1,2,4,7: Foundations, Goals
and Applications”. Oslo, Norway (2001) (invited speaker).
III Semana Acadêmica de Ciência da Computação. PUC,
Curitiba, Brazil (2000) (invited speaker).
Musica on Line. “MPEG-[1,2,4,7] – Alicerces; Propostas;
Aplicações”. Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Media on Demand – MoD Workshop. “Multimedia Trends”.
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (1999).
NATO – Advanced Study Institute on Signal Processing for
Multimedia. Tuscany, Italy (1998) (poster presentation/speaker).
II Congress AES Brazil (Audio Engineering Society,
section Brazil). “Análise e Síntese de Gestos Musicais
em Timbres de Instrumentos Acústicos com Wavelets”. Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil (1997).
Conference Participation
SET 2008 Conference of the Brazilian Televisioin
Engineering Society. São Paulo, Brazil (2008) AES Brazil 6th Conference / 12th National Convention.
São Paulo, Brazil (2008) SET 2007 Conference of the Brazilian Television
Engineering Society. São Paulo, Brazil (2007) MPEG, 81st MPEG & 42nd JPEG Meeting. Lausanne,
Switzerland (2007) AES 122nd International Conference. Vienna, Austria
(2007) AES Brazil 5th Conference / 11th National Convention.
São Paulo, Brazil (2007) XVII SEMAC – Computer Week of the University of São
Paulo State (UNESP) – SEMAC 2007. São José do Rio Preto,
Brazil (2007). AES Brazil 4th Conference / 10th National Convention.
São Paulo, Brazil (2006) 10th SBCM - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2005) VECIMS 2005 – IEEE International Conference on Virtual
Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement
Systems. Giardini Naxos, Italy (2005) I Seminário Música Ciência e Tecnologia: Acústica
Musical. São Paulo, Brazil (2004) I Symposium MusArts – IRCAM_Brazil. São Paulo, Brazil
(2003) AES 24th International Conference (Multichannel Audio
– The New Reality)Banff, Canada (2003) IGrid2. Next Generation Internet. Amsterdam, Holland
(2002)<7th. Interal Coce on
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques). New
Orleans, LA, USA (2000) ICAD 97 (International Conference on Auditory
Display). Palo Alto, CA, USA (1997) SC97 (High Performance Networking and Computing. San
Jose, CA, USA (1997) (exhibitor) SPIE 96 (Intl. Symposium on Optical Science,
Engineering, and Instrumentation). Denver, CO, USA
(1996) • I Congress AES Brazil (Audio Engineering Society,
section Brazil). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1996) SIGGRAPH 95 (22nd. International Conference on
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques). Los
Angeles, CA, USA (1995) II Brazilian Computer Music Symposium - XV Brazilian
Computer Soc. Conference. Canela, Brazil (1995) I Brazilian Computer Music Symposium - XIV Brazilian
Computer Soc. Conference. Caxambu, Brazil (1994) C3AD - Colloquia in High Performance Scientific
Computing. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1994) III JSCAD - III Journey EPUSP/IEEE in High Performance
Computer Systems. São Paulo, Brazil (1994) WHPC'94 - IEEE/USP International Workshop on High
Performance Computing, Compilers and Tools for Parallel
Processing. São Paulo, Brazil (1994) 1993 IEEE Power Engineering Society - Winter Meeting.
Columbus, OH, USA (1993) WARN'93 - Workshop in Neural Networks Applications.
São Paulo, Brazil (1993)
Technical Visits
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Dept. Technology
Management, Human-Technology Interaction, Eindhoven,
Nederlands (2007) Technische Universiteit
Delft, Applied Physics Laboratory, Delft, Nederlands
(2007) Coding Technologies, Nuremberg,
Germany (2005) Philips Research Center,
Eindhoven, Nederlands (2002) Hewlett Packard.
Palo Alto, CA (1996) Computer Science Dept.,
New York University. New York, NY (1996)
Department of Music, City University. London,
England (1995) Institut de Recherche et
Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM). Paris,
France (1995) Center for Computer Research in
Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University, CA
(1997, 1995) Center for New Music and Audio
Technology (CNMAT), University of California,
Berkeley, CA (1995) Battelle Memorial
Institute. Columbus, OH (1993) American
Electric Power System Control Center. Columbus, OH
Other Activities
Instrument musician (transversal and recorder flutes
domain; keyboard and electric bass basics) playing
music (fusions of jazz, blues, Brazilian popular
music, classic, rock and alternatives)
Consultant in MPEG technology, sound systems, audio
engineering/acoustics Lecturer on computer
music, audio, digital TV technologies, perceptual
coding and wavelet techniques Themes and
sound track producer for computer graphics/animation
Sound engineer (focus on sound scene oriented music
recording, processing and production) Writer
and translator of texts about digital audio and
music technology
Traveling, trekking and camping
Le Bahia (2007) Travel Site. Chile e
Argentina (2004)